Endurance Riding

Jun 12 2011

Thrush, Thrush Go AWAY!

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It’s almost the first day of summer and I’m still fighting thrush in the horses’ hooves! We had an incredibly wet winter… I think we went a month straight without seeing the sun. The first week of June left us with several thunderstorms, hail, and a flooded paddock. After temporarily having to move my horses to a new barn, they are back in their usual home. But I’m still fighting the thrush. I started out spraying their hooves with betadine, but I’ve moved on to Thrush-Off, that pretty purple liquid you apply to the bottom of the hoof using a toothbrush. It seems to be working, but until my paddock completely dries out, I have a feeling I’ll be dealing with thrush. Next week, my hoof trimmer will be out to pay us a visit and I’m keeping my fingers crossed he’ll tell me the thrush doesn’t look as bad as I think it does (hoof trimmers are like vets, they have always seen worse, right?).

Now, once I get a handle on the thrush, we’ll move on to fighting the flies… the joys of having horses.

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