Jan 18 2011
Why Am I Sore?
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I woke up feeling sore this morning. I couldn’t figure out why. Although Asali and I are doing longer rides than we normally do, my legs are pretty fit for riding. And yesterday, I did not dismount and walk for very long on our ride. We did approximately 9 miles, averaging a speed around 4.5 mph, so this was not a challenging ride.
Then it occurred to me… it must have been the 20 minutes of basketball I played with Jakob last night. I played defense and he had me chasing him all over that court! I haven’t played basketball since seventh grade. Yes, it’s true, I was beaten by an eight year old last night. Note to self: Don’t play sports with children when you are out of shape. I definitely need to incorporate more cardio into my workouts!
LOL…Crosstraining will kill you!
Beautiful photo of you and Jacob.
Yea, and after Gary ruptured tendons in his left ankle from playing basketball with Jakob’s team, I am staying far away from that court and those eight-year-olds. YIKES!